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Monday, September 27, 2010

My Five Favorite Fruits!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while i was planning to post friday but it only saved half of my post so i got mad at my computer lol. So I'm back for now until i leave tomorrow and don't get back until friday.But when i get back you will get a SUPER DUPER blog post with four list on it. So for tonight i'm doing something that's pretty self explanatory, my favorite fruits:
1.Lemons ( I'm not crazy they are delicious)

2. Pomegranates

3. Peaches

4. Cherrys

5. Mandrin Oranges

So my next blog post is friday. Talk to you all then!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My top 5 movies I saw this summer

I love going to the movies I normally make a trip at least twice a month. Sadly I haven't been since like the middle of July. I really need to go see something sometime soon!!!  Here are my five favorite movies of this past summer:

1. Prince of Persia - I really liked this movies, from the previews i was afraid it was basically going to be like Pirates of the Caribbean but not on the Ocean. Really there were only about two things that bothered me. One when they'd cram to peoples faces on the screen unnecessarily. The other is that The two main characters are stuck out in the desert for varying amounts of time ( at one point they had said they had been in the desert for a week) and Jake Gyllenhal's character who already was kind of dirty greasy looking would look nasty and dirty but the girl ( i dk the actresses' name) hair stayed nice and clean and her make up would keep on changing. I also really liked the soundtrack for this move, overall a very good film. I ordered it on DVD I should be getting it soon!!!!

2. Inception - A completely awesome movie, a little too long but really good. The acting was phenomenal and all the visual stuff was amazing I really want to see it in IMAX now. I was told that you shouldn't go to the bathroom during the movie or you won't be able to understand it all. That wasn't true but maybe i just left during a unimportant scene. The only real problem I had with this one was that they screamed a lot and I wasn't able to tell what they were saying, also with all the screaming sometimes they would turn the music and sound effects up really loud and it was really hard to tell what they were saying. I kind of wish i could see it again a second time to catch all the stuff I missed the first time because I was concentrating to hard on trying to follow the story.

3.Killers - This wasn't my favorite movie of 2010 but it wasn't my least favorite. I liked Katherine Heigl's and Ashton Kutchers chemistry together. It had a nice twist at the end on who was behind all the people trying to kill him. It was pretty funny at some points but someone somewhere decided they had to add some kind of drama aspect too it ( i won't spoil what happens) which was completely unnecessary. And I also thought when they were killing people it would just be like shooting people in stuff , but they were kind of creative with the way people were killed and some of it was kind of graphic.

4. Charlie St.cloud - I was kind of hesitant to see this because it involved Zac Efron crying which is something that I don't believe he's very good at. I actually really enjoyed it, there was a good mix of drama, comedy, and the supernatural. The Only real problem that i had with it, and a lot of reviews agree with is that they spend a lot of unnecessary time talking about boats and parts of boats etc... that would be interesting to me if I had a real interest in boats but i don't. Also I think the best performance was by Charlie Tahan who plays Sam St.Cloud, Charlie's little brother. I also really liked the relationship between Charlie and Zac, and Zac and Amanda Crews who played his love interest.

5. Despicable Me- I will admit i saw it twice, and for awhile i was singing Agnes' unicorn song everywhere i went and quoting "It's so big and fluffy." whenever it seemed appropriate. I loved Gru and Vector, The girls, and the Minions. The Minions are so cute unfortunately i didn't have the Minion translator for the credits so i had no idea what they were saying in the end. I was recently at Barnes&Noble i think and saw that they had the book 3 Sleepy Kittens for sale but i didn't buy it, maybe for christmas i will.

What were the best summer movies for you guys? post your answers in the comments!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My 5 Favorite shows from my childhood.

Today i was trying to find something on tv to put on while i was doing homework and i came across cyber chase. Cyber chase was one of my favorite shows from my childhood, and i really enjoyed watching it again. It also inspired my list today which is my top 5 favorite shows i used to watch long ago.

1. Arthur- This was probably my favorite show when i was little and i will admit i will still watch when I see it's on. I don't actually know what animals they all were until recently ( of course i knew arthur was an aardvark.) I mean i still remember the spelling bee episode with the song that went A-A-R-D-V-A-R-K.

2.Lizzie McGuire- an actually decent disney channel show unlike the stuff that's on disney channel now ( wizards of waverly place is really the only one i"ll actually watch.) I loved all the characters and i was really surprised with the whole ending of the show with the whole Lizzie/ Gordo stuff i'm pretty sure i wanted Lizzie/Ethan.

3. Even Stevens - again another really awesome disney channel show. I loved Shia Laboeuf back then he was hilarious. But again it was another show with a disappointing ending.

4. Kim possible - My favorite animated Disney show, I liked all the action, and probably Shego was my favorite bad person. And i loved Rufus, every time i go to the zoo i try to go to the naked mole rats, they're so cute!!!!

5. Blue's Clues- One of my favorite shows when i was little. I can still sing some of the songs lol. But apparently Blue was a Girl?? I don't see that at all. Also the show was only really good when it was Steve I don't like joe that much. Also when Joe came they started adding all these random characters which was kind of pointless to me.

So what are y'alls favorite shows from when you were little? post in the comments below!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My 5 Favorite Korean Foods

So currently what is going on is the Korean Holiday of Chuseok, which celebrates the harvest were people travel to there ancestral homes and share a feast. My little sister was adopted from South Korea so Korean Holidays and Food are very important to my family. Here are my favorite Korean food:

1.Bulgogi - Bulgogi is basically korean ribs but in like a shredded meat fashion and is really delicious on top of white rice.
2.Jap Chae- Jap Chae is rice noodles, with  type of beef sometimes bulgogi, and a variety of vegetables. It is either served hot or cold and is really good either way.
3.Kimchi Bokumbop - Kimchi Bokumbop is a type of fried rice with kimchi. Kimchi is a a type of pickled cabbage which is a reddish color and is kind of spicy. The fried rice usually has some kimchi, some sort of meat, and beansprouts. It is very good but very hot!
4.Mandoo- Korean style potsticker - My mom, sister and I actually make our own Mandoo with ground beef, green onions, beansprouts and a couple of other ingredients. We usually  cook them in a pan, and serve them with a oil, vinegar, soy sauce based sauce. 
5.Gimbap- Gimbap is Korean sushi. The main ingredients in Gimbap is rice, some sort of meat ( i like it with beef), fresh and pickled vegetables ( I like cucumbers and Carrots), and seaweed.


Jap Chae

Kimchi Bokumbop



What's your guy's favorite food? post in the comments below

Monday, September 20, 2010

My 5 favorite pizza toppings

I LOOOOVE pizza. Especially thick crust, I also like to dip it into ranch dressing which a lot of people say is weird. I also like squeezing the little green pepper's juice on top of it or putting tobasco sauce on top too. Here are my other 5 favorite pizza toppings:
1. Pepperoni
2. Feta cheese, Olive oil (instead of red sauce), spinach and fresh tomatoes.
3. Pepperoni, Bacon and Onion - Introduced to me by my 7th grade teacher- I actually prefer this as a thin crust pizza
4. Plain cheese
5.Chicken, Bacon, Ranch, Jalepenos, and other various toppings- Yes it does exist and it probably is like 5000 calories per slice but I love it. I'll post a picture of it

The left side of this pizza is number 5

So what are your favorite pizza toppings? tell me in the comments?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Favorite Things About Halloween.

Ok so for  My list today I'm doing my top things i like about halloween. which is kind of funny because halloween is probably not one of my top 5 holidays because i don't like scary things. But there are some  things I do like:

1. The Pumpkins- I love carving pumpkins even though i'm definately not very creative with mine they usually end up being some oddly shaped smiley face.
2. Hanging out with friends - Since i'm too old for trick or treating :( i either go to a party, hang out at my house and hand out candy, or do trick or treat so tots can eat. which is really fun and all of them include hanging out with friends.

3. The Costumes: I love dressing up I'm probably going to be one of those people who is still dressing up after all of the people their age have stopped. My favorite halloween costumes includes a fairy, multiple princesses, and a Dalmatian. I've already picked out my costume for this year but i'm not telling anybody yet!!!

4. The Treats: I named this section so because not all the stuff you get on halloween is candy nowadays. Halloween treats can range anywhere from a piece of gum to a rice krispie treat or hostess treat. Sometimes there even homemade. I think my favorite things to get on halloween are chocolate, and rice krispie treats.

5. The decorations: I like the decorations if there not too scary. I used to live in a neighborhood where there was this one house that got really into decorating for halloween. ( one year they had a jurassic park theme with an animatronic dinosaur and a truck that was on fire) This house apparently gave out really good treats but i was to scared to go up and get them. so houses with some decoration but not much is okay with me.

Runner Up: 6. The random things you can buy at the store: I went to target and they had all these cute halloween themed things for really cheap like candy buckets that had little ghost or frankenstine  face on it. I ended up buying a little stuffed bat for my cat for $1 and some fuzzy halloween slippers for $5. They had a lot of really cute stuff!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I'm not going to be able to post a  new list tonight because it's too late. So to make it up to all of you  I'm going to post 2 list tomorrow!!!

Good night!!!! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Top 10 Favorite Glee Performances......

I was going to do my top 5 favorite superheros until i saw this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIH_thtghjI&feature=player_embedded. I'm so exicted!!!! only 4 more days. so after seeing that i've decided i'm doing my TOP 10 favorite glee performances from season 1. These aren't really based on the the song itself but more the way its performed so the ones with more dancing not the ones were their just standing their singing.

1. The Journey Medley

2. Give Up The Funk:

3.Safety Dance:

4. Run Joey Run:

5. My Life Would Suck without you:

6. Proud Mary: yeah i know it's slowed down

7.Tie: Walking on Sunshine/ Halo and It's My Life/ Confessions pt.2

8. Another One Bites The Dust:

9. Bad Romance:

10. Bohemian Rhapsody:

Runners Up: Because I felt bad Not having a puck or quinn song on the list.

Also another really awesome glee related thing:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My favorite youtube videos right now.

Here's my list of my top 5 favorite youtube videos right now.... Just so you know the majority of them are going to involve little kids lol

1. The World's Fastest Game Of Hide and Seek- This is hilarious. Also the basement looks like what the basement in my old house looked like

2.My Barbies Beautiful - a song/video with a lot of sentimental meaning to me... if you can't understand the lyrics they are basically My barbies beautiful, repeated over and over with some random yeahs thrown in and a little bit opera singing.

3. Kittens riding on roomba - probably one of the most entertaining videos to watch when your bored and the title is exactley what the video is...

4. How to DJ with a baby - it's hard to explain why i like it so much... I think it's because the end always makes me chuckle

5.Single Ladies Devastation - This video is sad, cute and funny at the same time. Apparentley it was on the news and stuff. The only problem I have with it is that the guy is video taping this while he is driving!

So that's all for now. I might post later tonight but i dk. TTYL

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hi/ Top 5 Best Random Tv Couples

Hi. This is my first blog. Basically I've decided i'm going to start a blog and what i'm going to do is post a random top 5 list every day. whatever stuff just kind of pops up in my mind i'll probably make a list of. so for my first list i've decided to do those random couples that the for some reason the writers of shows must think seem awesome in their mind, and some of them are awesome some not so much. Hope you enjoy!!!

1. Brittany and Kurt ( Glee) - This is when kurt gets jealous of his dad and Finn bonding over sports so he becomes more manly which for him involves wearing overalls and singing weird songs. Which apparently turns Brittany on, she tells him he's the only person she hasn't made out with and she wants a perfect record. What follows is hilarious with the candle and stuff, and Kurt's dad walking in on them and being like " if things gets serious use protection" and brittany's like " what? like a burglar alarm." while being completely serious.

2. Lux and Jones ( Life Unexpected)- Their like one of my favorite randomish couples because jones starts out as a really minor character and was just kind of annoying because he only had like two pointless lines per episode. then In the fifth episode when Lux Has the party for him, he becomes more important because Bug steals his car and then Lux starts to have feelings for him. Finally Lux and Bug break up and Jones ask her to the winter formal and their really cute together but then something major happens and they break up :( By the end of the first season their friends again. Jones is coming back in episode 3 and i am so excited!!!!

3. Kenneth and Cerie (30 Rock) - I can't even remember what episode it was in or how it started but Cerie kisses Kenneth on the cheek and i just remember watching this and being like what??? this is really weird, but really awesome at the same time.
I can't find a picture

4. Puck and Mercedes (Glee)- Another awesome couple. Basically Puck's mom makes him shave his mohawk which causes him to lose his popularity so he decides to date mercedes to become popular again. we get some awesome creepy puck scenes and an awesome duet between him and mercedes. Also theirs some conflict between Mercedes and Santana. The only awkward thing about this relationship is the whole thing with Quinn who is carrying Puck's child being like yeah i want you to date him. I feel like that would be so awkward. 

5. Kelly and Darryl ( the office) - Ugh i'm not really sure what i think about this one. I totally get the reasoning about this one but i dk i guess i'm just kind of iffy about it.

Hope you guys enjoyed my first blog post! Thanks for reading!!!