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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hi/ Top 5 Best Random Tv Couples

Hi. This is my first blog. Basically I've decided i'm going to start a blog and what i'm going to do is post a random top 5 list every day. whatever stuff just kind of pops up in my mind i'll probably make a list of. so for my first list i've decided to do those random couples that the for some reason the writers of shows must think seem awesome in their mind, and some of them are awesome some not so much. Hope you enjoy!!!

1. Brittany and Kurt ( Glee) - This is when kurt gets jealous of his dad and Finn bonding over sports so he becomes more manly which for him involves wearing overalls and singing weird songs. Which apparently turns Brittany on, she tells him he's the only person she hasn't made out with and she wants a perfect record. What follows is hilarious with the candle and stuff, and Kurt's dad walking in on them and being like " if things gets serious use protection" and brittany's like " what? like a burglar alarm." while being completely serious.

2. Lux and Jones ( Life Unexpected)- Their like one of my favorite randomish couples because jones starts out as a really minor character and was just kind of annoying because he only had like two pointless lines per episode. then In the fifth episode when Lux Has the party for him, he becomes more important because Bug steals his car and then Lux starts to have feelings for him. Finally Lux and Bug break up and Jones ask her to the winter formal and their really cute together but then something major happens and they break up :( By the end of the first season their friends again. Jones is coming back in episode 3 and i am so excited!!!!

3. Kenneth and Cerie (30 Rock) - I can't even remember what episode it was in or how it started but Cerie kisses Kenneth on the cheek and i just remember watching this and being like what??? this is really weird, but really awesome at the same time.
I can't find a picture

4. Puck and Mercedes (Glee)- Another awesome couple. Basically Puck's mom makes him shave his mohawk which causes him to lose his popularity so he decides to date mercedes to become popular again. we get some awesome creepy puck scenes and an awesome duet between him and mercedes. Also theirs some conflict between Mercedes and Santana. The only awkward thing about this relationship is the whole thing with Quinn who is carrying Puck's child being like yeah i want you to date him. I feel like that would be so awkward. 

5. Kelly and Darryl ( the office) - Ugh i'm not really sure what i think about this one. I totally get the reasoning about this one but i dk i guess i'm just kind of iffy about it.

Hope you guys enjoyed my first blog post! Thanks for reading!!!


  1. you BETTER be happy about kenneth and cerie's relationship--YOU know why....lol

    i can see kelly and darryl together, but then again, i think darryl is really REALLY annoyed by kelly, so maybe not.

    annnnyway....that is all.
    now i wanna make a blog. but i don't know what i'd write about. lol
    oh btw...i made a google account just so i could comment on this. lol

  2. Awesomely weird GLEE couples!! YEA! I love that Brittany line! One of my faves! And then Puck turns to Mercedes & says, "Girl, you've got more curves than a Nissan commercial." Ew! and "WHAT?" Perfect creepy Puck line! (Love the pic of Amber & Mark in matching glasses btw)

    Thx Katie! Love this!!
