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Thursday, September 16, 2010

My favorite youtube videos right now.

Here's my list of my top 5 favorite youtube videos right now.... Just so you know the majority of them are going to involve little kids lol

1. The World's Fastest Game Of Hide and Seek- This is hilarious. Also the basement looks like what the basement in my old house looked like

2.My Barbies Beautiful - a song/video with a lot of sentimental meaning to me... if you can't understand the lyrics they are basically My barbies beautiful, repeated over and over with some random yeahs thrown in and a little bit opera singing.

3. Kittens riding on roomba - probably one of the most entertaining videos to watch when your bored and the title is exactley what the video is...

4. How to DJ with a baby - it's hard to explain why i like it so much... I think it's because the end always makes me chuckle

5.Single Ladies Devastation - This video is sad, cute and funny at the same time. Apparentley it was on the news and stuff. The only problem I have with it is that the guy is video taping this while he is driving!

So that's all for now. I might post later tonight but i dk. TTYL

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