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Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Favorite Things About Halloween.

Ok so for  My list today I'm doing my top things i like about halloween. which is kind of funny because halloween is probably not one of my top 5 holidays because i don't like scary things. But there are some  things I do like:

1. The Pumpkins- I love carving pumpkins even though i'm definately not very creative with mine they usually end up being some oddly shaped smiley face.
2. Hanging out with friends - Since i'm too old for trick or treating :( i either go to a party, hang out at my house and hand out candy, or do trick or treat so tots can eat. which is really fun and all of them include hanging out with friends.

3. The Costumes: I love dressing up I'm probably going to be one of those people who is still dressing up after all of the people their age have stopped. My favorite halloween costumes includes a fairy, multiple princesses, and a Dalmatian. I've already picked out my costume for this year but i'm not telling anybody yet!!!

4. The Treats: I named this section so because not all the stuff you get on halloween is candy nowadays. Halloween treats can range anywhere from a piece of gum to a rice krispie treat or hostess treat. Sometimes there even homemade. I think my favorite things to get on halloween are chocolate, and rice krispie treats.

5. The decorations: I like the decorations if there not too scary. I used to live in a neighborhood where there was this one house that got really into decorating for halloween. ( one year they had a jurassic park theme with an animatronic dinosaur and a truck that was on fire) This house apparently gave out really good treats but i was to scared to go up and get them. so houses with some decoration but not much is okay with me.

Runner Up: 6. The random things you can buy at the store: I went to target and they had all these cute halloween themed things for really cheap like candy buckets that had little ghost or frankenstine  face on it. I ended up buying a little stuffed bat for my cat for $1 and some fuzzy halloween slippers for $5. They had a lot of really cute stuff!

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