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Sunday, October 31, 2010

5 Favorite Past Halloween Costumes

Happy Halloween!!!!! Today I'm going to write about my 5 favorite halloween costume that i've worn in the past:
1. Dalmation- i think this was either my first or second halloween, I have pictures of me sitting on my grandpas lap in this little baby dalmation costume and it was so cute!

2. Dorothy - My kindergarten costume, I went around from house to house asking people if they had seen toto!!! i actually loved this costume so much that i turned down the lead role of the school musical which was a halloween show that year because i wanted to wear my dorothy costume in the play.

3. A genie - The only problem with this costume was that it was sheer fabric, and wear i live it's normally pretty cold on halloween so i had to go around wearing a big heavy coat. But besides that the costume was really pretty and purple.

4. Queen of Hearts - it was my costume from when i was four, and it was adorable, I had a little crown and this red and white dress. It would have been better if i was wearing it this year though since Alice in Wonderland came out.

5. My halloween costume this year - I'm not going to say what it is right now, because IT'S A SECRET i can tell you though that, it's a tv character who is a female, and i was able to get all the pieces at Target. I will tell you either late tonight or tomorrow.

Have a fun and safe halloween!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Top 10 Musicals

 I know it's not another top 5 list, but I love musicals, my ipod used to be about 2/3 musicals, and i would listen to them constantly. I still love musicals i just can't listen to them 24/7. I also feel really lucky to live in an area with a lot of theaters, because then i get to go see musicals, and plays all the time, Here are my top 10 ( in no specific order.):

1. Les Miserables: Ok this one is in a specific order because it is probably my most favorite musical of all time. It's so sad, but so amazing, I remember seeing it for the first time a few years ago and just being amazed by it all. I was willing to go home and pay ten more dollars than Itunes usually charges to buy the original London cast recording. This year is the 25th anniversary and they are doing a show which is going to be shown at movie theaters, i'm trying to convince my parents to let me go and i hope the do! My favorite song is probably On my own, it's so beautiful but so sad.

2. 42nd Street: This is another one that i have seen live and love. I think i like it a lot because of all the dancing, I love to dance but i'm not the best dancer in the world. Also it has fun singable, danceable songs, that many people know even if they haven't seen the show! My favorite song is probably Lullaby of Broadway.

3.Bye Bye Birdie/ Hairspray - I put these two together because they take place in the same time period. I guess i'll talk about Hairspray first. I saw movie (the musical, not the original) when it came out and I loved it. The music is fun and catchy and it's just a fun plot line, It also had a pretty awesome cast. Then two years ago I saw it at one of the theaters near were i live and i was kind of disappointed because i was used to the movie version, but by the end of the show I loved it, it's a lot funnier than the movie and there were some pretty good songs that were in the play that weren't in the movie. Also something funny is when i saw it on stage Tracy's mom was played by the guy who plays The neighbor on Hannah Montana so when ever i watch HM with my sister and he's in an episode, we're like hey we've seen him! My favorite song from Hairspray is probably without love or you can't stop the beat.

I actually worked on my high schools production of Bye Bye Birdie. When i found out my school was doing Bye Bye Birdie i didn't even know what it was about. Then my family bought the movie and I was like this is ok. Then when rehearsal started I realized that the Movie is nothing like the Musical, it has the basic story line but it's so much better. It has a lot more humor and a lot more of a plot line. It's also a fun show to do because since it takes place during the 60's there's a lot of bright colors and fun costumes and the music goes with the time period. The Revival cast with John Stamos and Nolan Gerard Funk is pretty good, and I've heard their making a movie again I hope they use the revival cast. My favorite song from Bye Bye Birdie is probably A Lot of Livin’ to Do

4.Beauty and the Beast - I have seen Beauty and the Beast at least 4 times on stage including once on broadway. It's a lot cooler on broadway, I think it's just that it's a more intimate setting. The only problem is that since i was born in the 90's I probably watched the Disney version like 100 times when i see it on stage i always feel like at least one part is casted wrong. One time i saw it and the beast kind of looked like a buffalo/ monkey combination. Overall i still like seeing it on stage and it's still a very magical experience. My favorite song from Beauty and the Beast is Be our Guest, because it's such a fun number and it's always very showy.

5.Wicked- I got to see the national touring cast as my 8th grade graduation present. I had bought the soundtrack way before i saw the show because i kept on hearing Popular over and over, and i loved it. It was an awesome show and it was really interesting to see what happened before Dorothy came to Oz. I tried reading the book, but it's really long, it's good but i just got distracted by other things. I loved all the special effects and stuff. I've heard they're going to make a movie version of Wicked too and a lot of people want the original cast. But i feel like the original cast is to old so i hope they find some new people to be in it. My favorite song from wicked is either Dancing through life or Defying Gravity.

6.Footloose - I saw this show this summer, I loved it. I guess i really like the eighties so that was some of it's appeal to me. Also i was familiar with some of the music so it was fun to hear stuff i knew. I haven't seen the movie and apparently people who like the movie don't like the musical. I thought the plot was interesting, and it had a nice mix of humor and drama. Also when i saw it the theater i saw it at because it had one main rotating set piece that served as like 5 different locations. This is another one i know there remaking into a movie, I'm not sure if their making the movie or the musical but i hope it's the musical. Either way i'll probably go see it. My favorite song from footloose is Footloose!

7.Phantom Of The Opera - I have never seen Phantom on stage but it is one of my dream shows to see on stage. I do however own the movie, and every year at my churches halloween concert they do some songs from it and it sounds amazing. I love the movie and how visually beautiful it is, especially all the large group numbers like Masquerade. I love the story line too, it's such a good romance story. My only problem especially with the movie is that it's supposed to take place in France but only really one character has a french accent. I also don't really like Opera but for some reason i really like the operatic songs in this movie. My favorite song from Phantom of the Opera is All I Ask of You.

8.West Side Story - One of my favorite classic musicals, even though my school did this my freshman year i've never actually seen it on stage. I like that it's a more modern Romeo and Juliet, because Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite romantic tragedy. I love all the huge dance numbers, like the scene were their at the dance at the gym and the fight between the two gangs. The music is beautiful too but some of them are kind of annoying lol. My favorite song from West Side Story is America and I Feel Pretty.

9.Rent - Ok another show i've never seen on stage, but i have seen the movie, and i have both the Movie and Broadway soundtrack. I find it interesting that a lot of the original cast plays the same roles in the movie. Even though it's a pretty depressing story, i like in the end that it's uplifting. I also like that theres a mix of characters. My favorite characters are Roger and Mimi, their probably one of my favorite musical couples ever. I also think that were i liked Adam Pascal and Rosario Dawson playing them best I also really liked Aaron Tveit and Vanessa Hudgens too. My favorite song is probably Another Day.

10.Godspell- I've seen this twice, and one thing i like about it, is how you can basically do it a bunch of different ways, but it still makes sense at gets the point across. I have seen it both as a teacher and high school students, and campers and camp counselors. Also you can change it to fit with the current times, so there aren't a bunch of references that nobody's going to get. I like it a lot, all the different characters and kind of how they act out/tell these different stories. Overall I love this show and it's a fun show to see because it's always a little bit different every time i see it. My favorite song is Day By Day.

I like a lot more musicals then just these ten, I can't think of all of them right now. what are your favorite musicals?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My favorite Glee quotes per episode of season 1

Since i haven't done a glee post in a while I have decided to do one now and it's going to be a super long list because i'm doing my favorite quote per episode! Btw i can't remember every quote from every episode i'm getting my ideas from Tv fanatic.com so tell me if i miss a totally awesome one

1. Pilot - Rachel: I won my first dance competition when I was three months old.

2. Showmance- Sue: That was the most offensive thing I've seen in 20 years of teaching — and that includes an elementary school production of Hair.

3. Acafellas - Finn: What's a cliche? Is that a bad thing? , Sue: I'm going to ask you to smell your armpits. That's the smell of failure, and it's stinking up my office.

4.Preggers - Kurt: Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be auditioning for the role of kicker.

5. Rhodes Not Taken - Puck: That Rachel chick makes me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing.

6.Vitamin D- Rachel: I'm sorry for calling you contemptible and deplorable.
Finn: That's okay. I didn't even know what those words meant.

7.Throwdown - Finn: I came up with the best baby name of all-time: Drizzle. ( best quote ever)

8. Mash - Up - Puck: Know what the worst part is? It's not the burning in your eyes or how the slushee drips into your underpants. It's the humiliation

9. Wheels -Quinn: I don't care if my baby comes out with a mohawk, I will go to my grave swearing it's Finn's.
Puck: It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a mohawk.

10. Ballad -Will: Ballad. Who knows what this word means?
Brittany: It's a male duck., Finn: I have to go. They'll think I'm pooping.

11. Hairography - Finn [to Rachel]: I'm gonna say this as nice as I can. But you look like a sad clown hooker.

12.Matress - Emma: Ken has a lot of flaws. He has 74 flaws as of yesterday.

13.Sectionals -Rachel: I've never told you this before, but I'm a little psychic. I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense.

14. Hell - o - Brittany: You're a really good dancer.
Finn: Thanks, but my feet weren't really dancing.
Brittany: That was the best part.

15. Power of Madonna- Quinn: Would you please stop talking? You're grossing out my baby.

16. Home - Kurt: You shouldn't be embarrassed about your boy.
Mercedes: Embarrassed ? I'm worried about showing too much skin and causing a sex riot.

17.Bad Reputation - Brittany: I had a cold and I took all my antibiotics at the same time and I forgot how to leave.

18. Laryngitis - Rachel: I'm like Tinkerbell, Finn. I need applause to live., Sue: Nobody quits the Cheerios. You either die or I kick you off.

19. Dream On - Bryan: You cant feed a child sheet music, Will. I suppose you could, but they'd be dead in a month.

20. Theatricality -Finn: We live in Ohio, not New York... or some other city where people eat vegetables that aren't fried

21. Funk -Kurt: I'm so depressed I've worn the same outfit twice this week.

22. Journey - Will: Inside, you're a really good person. I appreciate what you're doing for these kids. I won't forget it.
Sue: I'm seriously gonna puke in your mouth.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My favorite romantic comedies

I love romantic comedies their probably my second favorite genre of movies so i decided to share my top 5 with you and i'll put the imdb synopsis with it. Btw these are in no specific order it's just the ones i enjoy the most. sorry their underlined i messed it up and can't fixed it.

1. 27 dresses - probably the first romantic comedy i ever saw - from imdb: After serving as a bridesmaid 27 times, a young woman wrestles with the idea of standing by her sister's side as her sibling marries the man she's secretly in love with.

2. The Proposal - A pushy boss forces her young assistant to marry her in order to keep her Visa status in the U.S. and avoid deportation to Canada.

3. Life as we know it - Two single adults become caregivers to an orphaned girl when their mutual best friends die in an accident.- I know it doesn't sound funny but it it is kind of a drama with some really funny parts.

4.500 days of Summer - An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man who falls for her.- This is a really awesome movie with a pretty interesting twist at the end.

5. Is a tie because they are the same kinds of movie
a. Valentines day - Intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and make-up based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine's Day.

b.He's just not that into you - The Baltimore-set movie of interconnecting story arcs deals with the challenges of reading or misreading human behavior.

something extra:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Favorite Things to do at the Beach

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, thursday I didn't have internet, friday i was out of town on a college tour, and yesterday I went to the movies ( saw Life as We Know It= awesome movie, i highly reccomend it.) and was too tired when I got home. Today i am blogging about my favorite things to do when i go to the beach, which is what i do almost every year for spring break:

1. go boogie boarding - for those of you who don'y know Boogie boarding is basically surfing but laying down. I really enjoy it but the last couple of years we haven't been able to go in the water because of Jelly fish and on a day were the flags say it's ok, I get kind of nervous going in the water.

2. Eating food- There are so many good restaurants near where we stay, first of all there is Pizza By the Sea which is some pretty good pizza, and then in Sandestin theres Poppy's which is family tradition now, and in the town next to where we stay there's queen bee cupcakes which have some of the best cupcakes I have ever tasted! This is the pier that comes off of the back of Poppy's:

3. Sitting in the condo during rain- Since it is Flordia and we are by a big body of water it does rain at least 2 of the 5 days we are there. One of the things we do to pass the time is watch movies, last year it rained a lot we watched Planet 51, Astro Boy and Bandslam, also we watched numerous episodes of Psych! We also cook our own meals. Another thing we do to pass the time is play board games. It's hardly boring even if it is raining outside, and the ocean when it is raining is still really pretty.

4. Collecting Seashells- My family has a large collection of seashells at our house from probably the past 5 years we've been going to the beach. You have to get up really early to get the full good looking shells, so a lot of the ones we have are all fragmented. Also in our collection we have a lot of pieces of sandollars. I normally don't collect the pieces unless they are pretty looking.

5.Going shopping- There are a lot of strip malls in Florida. There's also Seaside which has a lot of separate non brand named restaurants, and shops. One of my favorite places to go shopping is the Shops at Sandestin even though it's kind of expensive there is a candy store that is amazing and delicious. One place that I used to love to shop that i don't think exist anymore was a soap shop and it was one of those places that had the really decorative soaps, and I'm pretty sad it doesn't exist anymore.

Runner Up:
6. Reading a Book on the beach - Pretty self explanatory, you get a good book (preferably not about sharks unless you like reading about them) you pull up a chair at the edge of the water and relax!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Favorite Fast Food resteraunts

I'm been craving some fast food ever since my friend had noodles & co. brought to her this afternoon in rehearsal. It smelled so good, and i've been doing a lot of eating at home and not a lot of driving anywhere recently. So here is my list of my five favorite fast food restaurants, with why I like them and what my dream meal would be from them:

1. Sonic- besides liking the food i like the atmosphere, i love pushing the little button to order my food. Sonic was also were my mom used to take me and my sister after we'd go to the orthodontist. My dream meal from Sonic includes a cheese burger with ketchup, onions,and pickles, tater tots, a cherry limeade, and for dessert a Reeses Sonic Blast.

2. Chipotle/ Qdoba - Since they're basically the same thing I'm putting them in the same category. When my family goes to church at night we normally eat at the strip mall with a Five Guys Burgers and Fries and a Qdoba right next to each other. I don't really like 5 Guys so i normally go to Qdoba. The one reason I like Qdoba over Chipotle is that Qdoba has queso and chipotle doesn't. My dream meal from Qdoba/ Chipotle includes a naked burrito with steak, no beans, lots of cheese, pico de gallo and a bunch of lime juice. and then to drink is water with lemon juice.

3.Chik - Fil - A - I like chik-fil-a because they donate free chicken nuggets to my church. I like getting a bunch of the chicken nuggets and trying them in all the different dipping sauces.My favorite sauces are the Barbecue,Buffalo, Honey Mustard, and Polynesian sauce. My dream meal from chick-fil-a would include chicken nuggets, any of the sauces I listed above, and a Lemonade.

4.Penn Station - I love Penn station, I guess i should say I like any place that sells sandwiches, I've been to two sandwich places in the past week. Penn station is one of my favorite because it gives you more interesting options than Subway so it's easier to choose what you want then standing in line for 20 minutes at Subway to make some sandwich of your own creation. My dream meal at Penn station would include the Philly cheesesteak but with only the cheese, meat and sauteed onions, a medium lemonade, and a small fries with a little cup of worsteshire sauce for dipping. They have the most amazing fries ever!!

5.Panda express- yes Panda Express is definitely a fast food place now it has a drive through window. It's not the greatest chinese food in the world but when i don't want to eat anything else at the mall it's my first choice. My dream meal at Panda express would be a orange chicken, steamed white rice, and either a crab rangoon or an egg roll. I'd also maybe order sweet and sour chicken instead of orange chicken but it would depend on my mood.

1. Culver's - I haven't been to Culver's in for ever. My family used to go after church and after soccer games. We'd collect the little tickets off of the kids meals to get the prizes and we'd normally end each meal with getting a concrete. My dream meal at Culver's actually depends on what time of the year it is because around lent they have a fish dinner which is delicious. If it isn't around lent I would get a Butter Burger with extra pickles, french fries, Root beer, and probably a cookie dough concrete.

2. La Salsa- I'm not sure if this is just where i live or other places because their website isn't very specific, but it is one of my favorite restaurants. I fell in love with it because they had a Cranberry salsa the first time I went. They don't have it any more but I still love it because they have a couple of other Salsas I love. For those of you who have never heard of La Salsa it's basically a fast food restaurant with a Salsa bar. My favorite salsas there are the Mexicana ( pico de gallo), Mango, and Avocado ( which has a little bit of Jalepeno mixed in.) My dream meal at La Salsa would be the mexico city tacos which are three small pork, beef, and chicken tacos, with double rice, a cup of each of those salsas, some queso and chips, and a water with lemon.

What are your favorite fast food restaurants? comment below!