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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My favorite Glee quotes per episode of season 1

Since i haven't done a glee post in a while I have decided to do one now and it's going to be a super long list because i'm doing my favorite quote per episode! Btw i can't remember every quote from every episode i'm getting my ideas from Tv fanatic.com so tell me if i miss a totally awesome one

1. Pilot - Rachel: I won my first dance competition when I was three months old.

2. Showmance- Sue: That was the most offensive thing I've seen in 20 years of teaching — and that includes an elementary school production of Hair.

3. Acafellas - Finn: What's a cliche? Is that a bad thing? , Sue: I'm going to ask you to smell your armpits. That's the smell of failure, and it's stinking up my office.

4.Preggers - Kurt: Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be auditioning for the role of kicker.

5. Rhodes Not Taken - Puck: That Rachel chick makes me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing.

6.Vitamin D- Rachel: I'm sorry for calling you contemptible and deplorable.
Finn: That's okay. I didn't even know what those words meant.

7.Throwdown - Finn: I came up with the best baby name of all-time: Drizzle. ( best quote ever)

8. Mash - Up - Puck: Know what the worst part is? It's not the burning in your eyes or how the slushee drips into your underpants. It's the humiliation

9. Wheels -Quinn: I don't care if my baby comes out with a mohawk, I will go to my grave swearing it's Finn's.
Puck: It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a mohawk.

10. Ballad -Will: Ballad. Who knows what this word means?
Brittany: It's a male duck., Finn: I have to go. They'll think I'm pooping.

11. Hairography - Finn [to Rachel]: I'm gonna say this as nice as I can. But you look like a sad clown hooker.

12.Matress - Emma: Ken has a lot of flaws. He has 74 flaws as of yesterday.

13.Sectionals -Rachel: I've never told you this before, but I'm a little psychic. I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense.

14. Hell - o - Brittany: You're a really good dancer.
Finn: Thanks, but my feet weren't really dancing.
Brittany: That was the best part.

15. Power of Madonna- Quinn: Would you please stop talking? You're grossing out my baby.

16. Home - Kurt: You shouldn't be embarrassed about your boy.
Mercedes: Embarrassed ? I'm worried about showing too much skin and causing a sex riot.

17.Bad Reputation - Brittany: I had a cold and I took all my antibiotics at the same time and I forgot how to leave.

18. Laryngitis - Rachel: I'm like Tinkerbell, Finn. I need applause to live., Sue: Nobody quits the Cheerios. You either die or I kick you off.

19. Dream On - Bryan: You cant feed a child sheet music, Will. I suppose you could, but they'd be dead in a month.

20. Theatricality -Finn: We live in Ohio, not New York... or some other city where people eat vegetables that aren't fried

21. Funk -Kurt: I'm so depressed I've worn the same outfit twice this week.

22. Journey - Will: Inside, you're a really good person. I appreciate what you're doing for these kids. I won't forget it.
Sue: I'm seriously gonna puke in your mouth.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these!!

    Now you need a list of just Brittany quotes. As she got more lines, they were the best quotables EVER! (Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?)
