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Sunday, October 31, 2010

5 Favorite Past Halloween Costumes

Happy Halloween!!!!! Today I'm going to write about my 5 favorite halloween costume that i've worn in the past:
1. Dalmation- i think this was either my first or second halloween, I have pictures of me sitting on my grandpas lap in this little baby dalmation costume and it was so cute!

2. Dorothy - My kindergarten costume, I went around from house to house asking people if they had seen toto!!! i actually loved this costume so much that i turned down the lead role of the school musical which was a halloween show that year because i wanted to wear my dorothy costume in the play.

3. A genie - The only problem with this costume was that it was sheer fabric, and wear i live it's normally pretty cold on halloween so i had to go around wearing a big heavy coat. But besides that the costume was really pretty and purple.

4. Queen of Hearts - it was my costume from when i was four, and it was adorable, I had a little crown and this red and white dress. It would have been better if i was wearing it this year though since Alice in Wonderland came out.

5. My halloween costume this year - I'm not going to say what it is right now, because IT'S A SECRET i can tell you though that, it's a tv character who is a female, and i was able to get all the pieces at Target. I will tell you either late tonight or tomorrow.

Have a fun and safe halloween!!!

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