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Monday, November 29, 2010

5 Favorite Sports I played

Hi everybody, sorry i haven't been on in a while. I was out of town for thanksgiving. I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving and ate a lot of yummy food. My blog post today is going to be about my five favorite sports. I used to play a lot of sports when i was younger. I played soccer, ice skated, volley ball, did running, swimming, gymnastics, dance, tae kwon doe and horseback riding. Now the only thing I do is dance but i wish I still did a lot of those sports. Here are my five favorite sports:

1. Soccer - I played soccer for about eight years which is the longest I have ever done a specific sport. I played both defense and forward. I  like it because it involves more legs and running than upper arm strength. I kind of hope to join a soccer team in college for fun!

2. Gymnastics - I love gymnastics,  I liked the balance beam and floor stuff. The only problem I had with gymnastics was the bars because I hated going upside down, which meant I didn't like flipping over the bar. I went to circus camp one summer, and i didn't really do a lot of things because they involved flipping upside down, so I learned how to spin plates, and balance on a ball and things like that.

3.Volleyball - I played volleyball for about two years. It was a lot of fun, but involved a lot of arm strength which I don't really have and, you get a lot of bruises from the ball hitting your arms. Also the games are really long.

4. Horseback riding - whenever I went on vacation I always liked going horseback riding, I even used to be able to name all the horses I had ridden on. Then I actually started horseback riding lessons and even though it was kind of scary, it was a lot of fun!

5. Dance - I'm not the worlds greatest dancer but I have a lot of fun doing it, I took lessons when I was littler, and i started taking lessons again a few years ago. I really like jazz because you get to be a lot more relaxed, unlike ballet were you have to be very straight and have very direct movements. I am also hoping to take dance classes in college!

What are your favorite sports you play?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

5 Favorite Thanksgiving Food/Drinks

Happy day before thanksgiving, everybody!!! For those of you wondering why I am doing this blog today and not actually on thanksgiving, I have another idea for tomorrow. I love thanksgiving because like the majority of all fall/winter holidays it involves eating a lot of food, but the foods are pretty much the same every year. Here are my five favorite things my family eats on Thanksgiving:

1. Rolls- It doesn't matter if it's cornbread or regular bread, rolls are delicious, especially with a lot of butter on top. I also like to make sandwiches with rolls, turkey and gravy.

2. Turkey and Gravy - I actually don't like the taste of turkey by itself because I think it taste kind of blah. So either I eat like a sandwich ( Look at #1) or i just drown it in gravy.

3. Potatoes - Ok I didn't specify what type of potatoes I like because I like two types of potatoes. First I like just regular plain mashed potatoes withe either gravy or butter on top. But my family also normally has cheesy potatoes, which I love and are basically cheese, potatoes, and red and green peppers.

4. Sparkling apple juice - since my sister and me aren't legally old enough to drink we love to drink sparkling apple juice the problem is it runs out really fast!

5. Chocolate Chip Pie - On thanksgiving my family serves two types of pie. One of them is pumpkin pie which i eat but it has to be covered in whipped cream because the texture of the pie grosses me out. The other is a chocolate chip pie which is kind of like a giant chocolate chip cookie but in pie form and is really yummy especially with vanilla ice cream.

What foods do you eat on thanksgiving?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Top 5 Coolest Looking Fish

Ok so today i was working on my oceanography projects and i did a collage with all these different ocean creatures and as i was working on it I realized how really cool a lot of these fish look! here are my top 5:

Hope you enjoyed my blog post for today!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Favorite Movie Posters

I love movies and when i go to the movie theater i always look at the posters. Some movie posters tell a lot about a movie but some don't. I like the ones that are really fun to looks at. Here are some of My favorites:

1. 500 days of summer:

2. Disturbia:


4. Push:

5. Prince of Persia:

What are your favorite movie posters? comment below!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

5 Things I don't eat

I don't consider myself a picky eater but there are somethings I refuse to eat, here are my top 5:

1. Meatballs - I used to love meatballs but unfortunately i got sick after eating them one time so i don't like eating them anymore.

2. Gazpacho - I tried it once and I really don't like it, I think it's because its cold soup. I think the idea of cold soup is kind of gross!

3. Olives- I don't even know why I don't like olives, I think it's the kind of the way they look, especially since they're all slimy. I can't even eat olives in a salad.

4. Mint- I don't like mint at all, if theres a little bit mixed in with a lot of other things and i can't really taste it i'm fine but i really don't like the taste. I definitely don't like the smell.

5. Grapefruit - too bitter.

What foods do you refuse to eat? comment below!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Favorite Brittany from Glee quotes

One of My favorite characters from the show Glee is Brittany. She's the stereotypical dumb, blonde cheerleader, most of the lines they give her are hilarious. I'm really glad she's become more of a character than she was when the show started and all she was, was quinn's little cheerleading sidekick:

Here are My top 5 Favorite Brittany quotes of all time:
1. "I'm pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary." ( this one was awesome because it kind of just came out of nowhere)

2.Mr. Schuester: "Who can tell me what a ballad is?"
Brittany: "A male duck."

3.''I had a cold and I took all my antibiotics at the same time and I forgot how to leave.''

4.''People thought I went on vacation but actually, I spent the summer lost in the sewers.''

5.( to kurt) Your hands are really soft. Seriously, they feel like a baby. Now I know what it's like to date a baby.

4 Runners up
1. ( when will is introducing jesse to the club) mr. schue is he your son?

2. I don't brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist.

3.Mr. Schu taught me the second half of the alphabet. I stopped after M and N. I thought they sounded too similar and got frustrated.

4. ( when will tells the club that emma's going with them to sectionals)  She's the one they made me talk to when they found out I was keeping that bird in my locker

What are your favorite Characters and quotes from your favorite tv shows? Comment below! 

"Stop the Violence"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Favorite Things to Drink

Hey everybody, sorry i haven't posted in a while, i've either been getting home really late or i've been out of town, But i'm back!!! Today I'm going to talk about my favorite things to drink. I'm not 21 so none of this is going to be alcohol but also its not going to be soda because i don't drink soda. I do probably once or twice a month but I try not to, here's my list:

1. Skim Milk - I love milk, it's yummy and it's good for your body! People say that skim milk taste like water, and it's not flavorful but it's pretty good!

2. Vitamin water - I first tried this on one of my families trips to Florida for spring break, and I've been addicted to them ever since, except now i feel like their being watered down a lot. My favorite flavors are the dragon fruit, kiwi strawberry, raspberry apple, and lemonade.

3. Water - I actually used to really dislike tap water but i think probably when i stopped drinking water was when i started liking it. My favorite way to drink water is with lemon in it, I like it sour! I also really like sparkling flavored waters especially when i have a sore throat because they feel really good.

4. Hot Chocolate - I love Hot chocolate especially when it's in fall and winter. I don't like plain powder mix though because i feel like it doesn't have enough chocolate flavor. I have to have like hot chocolate made with milk or double chocolate. I think the best Hot chocolate i've ever gotten was either between Starbucks, or Seattle's Best.

5. Lemonade -  This ones kind of obvious since I love lemons so much. I like regular lemonade but I also like flavored lemonades too like strawberry and raspberry. I also like to get frozen lemonade drinks at places like St. Louis Bread Co.

What are your favorite things to drink?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Favorite Types of Bagels

Bagels are my favorite breakfast food, and snack of all time. Here are my top 5 favorite bagels and what i like them with:
1. Plain - especially with butter!

2. Asiago - I like asiago bagels when it's not overloaded with cheese but unfortunately the majority of them are.

3.Jalepeno Cheddar - Its the best mix of cheesy and spicy I have ever tasted. They kind of make me think of Auntie Anne's Jalepeno Pretzels.

4.Cinnamon sugar/ Chocolate chip - These actually aren't my favorite but their good, for like a desert like treat, especially if you heat up the cinnamon sugar and put butter on it.

5.Blueberry bagel - with cream cheese on top.

What are your favorite types of bagels?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Top 5 Tv Heartbreaks.

Ok so every show unless it's some little kids show always has one scene usually a break up in which one character just gets completely smacked in the face and the viewers go Oh my god. As I chose these i realized that 2 of them are from Glee and the rest are all from shows on the CW. I guess Glee and the CW are really good with break ups lol. Before I tell you my top 5 there's two other things I need to say. One is that I actually haven't watched The Vampire Diaries or Gossip Girl in a while, Gossip girl because it started getting boring, and The Vampire Diaries because I usually watch NBC on thursday night, so when i talk about relationships I'll probably talk about up to where i stopped watching. Also I tried to find videos of all these scene but all of the ones i found except for the gossip girl video are fan made videos so they aren't exactly how they aired originally. Here are my top 5 Tv Heartbreaks:

1. Chuck & Blair - Gossip Girl - Chuck and Blair were the couple I think everybody wanted to get together, because they were both perfect together because they were the evil, but witty couple. In the end of season 1 it almost looked like they were going to get together but they don't, and that plays a major part in the first couple of episodes in season 2. I feel like  Chuck's dads death plays a pretty important role in their relationship. The Heartbreak comes when Chuck leaves the party after the funeral, and Blair chases after him to tell him her true feelings. Of course she decides to do this when Chuck's drunk, depressed, and upset so he breaks her heart :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tvZoOjIlqA. This heart break doesn't last very long because in the next episode she stops him from killing himself, and he apologizes to her.

2. Katherine & Damon - The Vampire Diaries-Damons been in love with Katherine ever since she turned him into a vampire in the 1860's. The reason he returns to Mystic falls is to release Katherine but she's not there. Damon kind of falls in love with Elena who looks a lot like Katherine and who is in love with Damon's brother Stefan. Katherine eventually returns to Mystic Falls and often poses as Elena. In the first episode in season two Damon ask Katherine if she ever loved him and she tells him no she only loved Stefan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8C0L9a1amA. This causes a lot of negativity with Damon who gets drunk and goes to Elena's house who also tells him she only loves Stefan, so he gets angry and almost kills Elena's brother Jeremy.

3. Baze and Cate - Life Unexpected - Baze got Cate pregnant when they were in high school and hadn't really talked to her until their sixteen year old daughter Lux comes back into their lives because she wants emancipation from foster care, instead the judge gives Cate and Baze joint custody. Their relationship starts out rocky and they often don't get along. One main reason for the tension between them is that Cate is engaged to her coworker Ryan. Early on in the show Ryan and Cate break up and Cate and Baze hook up. Then Ryan and Cate get back together and Baze starts to realize that he has feelings for Cate. After a while Cate starts to realize that she has feelings for Baze too. In the season 1 finally they get full custody of Lux. Lux tells Cate that Baze still has feelings for her, and Cate goes and asks Baze if he loves her and he says no even though he does, so Cate decides to get married to Ryan. In the end Baze decides to tell her he loves her and drives to wedding hoping to get their in time the real depressing/ heartbreaking part is starts around 1:06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuu06dbQ4YI&feature=fvw.

4. Finn& Quinn - Glee-  Finn and Quinn started out as the stereotypical popular couple him being the quarterback and her being head cheerleader. In episode four Quinn tells Finn that she's pregnant and he's the father. We soon find out that his best friend Puck is actually the father, but Quinn doesn't want to tell Finn the truth. Rachel eventually figures out and tells Finn and this is what follows:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wum9BWFV_I

5. Jesse and Rachel - Glee - Were the viewers knew that Jesse wasn't the best guy for Rachel she was definitely in love with him. He was a theater kid, good looking, and could sing. I think i knew the relationship was doomed when they decided to keep it secret because he was a member of the opposing glee club, and when he switched over to  McKinley. The scene i chose was so sad, and made everybody hate Jesse, but you can kind of tell by watching this clip that he's hesitant and he still kind of seems to have feelings for Rachel:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyqGROKSBRg&feature=related

What are your favorite heartbreaks/ breakups from TVshows?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Favorite Books I've read for school

One of my favorite hobbies is reading! I'm normally reading at least two books at the same time if not three! I guess another thing that makes me different from a lot of typical high school students is that if a teacher assigns us a book to read I normally enjoy reading it! Here are some of my favorite books I've read in school over the past couple of years:

1. To Kill a Mockingbird - I read this book in both 7th grade an 9th grade. It is one of my favorite books of all time. I own probably about 3 different copies of it including a copy signed by Harper Lee. I love the story and how interesting the characters are. I've also seen the movie and even though I like the movie they take out some of the best parts. Another thing I really like about it is that when reading it in a class it can help create some pretty interesting conversations, half of my freshman lit class created an argument about how Tom Robinson might actually be guilty.

2. The Outsiders - I read this in 8th grade, it was one of my favorite books i had read in a long time. I keep on wanting to buy it every time i go to a bookstore but something always stops me i don't know why. It's another book with extremely interesting characters and good twist and turns along the way. 

3. Short Stories - Ok so this isn't technically a book, but in every english class i take for some reason we always read at least three short stories. Back in middle school we had to read The Tell Tale Heart which inspired me to go check out a book of Edgar Allen Poe Short stories. I like the creepy short stories not like boring nothing happens short stories. Some of my favorite short stories are The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, Twirler by Jane Martin and The Yellow Wall Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gillman. 

4. Lord of The Flies - I read this in 10th grade were it isn't my favorite book it is pretty interesting. I like all the contrast between the characters. I also liked all the symbolism I really like books with a lot of symbolism because they cause you to think. I mean i guess my main reason for disappointment with this book is that all that I heard about it wasn't actually true so I was expecting a lot to happen that didn't actually happen. 

5. The Lovely Bones - I'm reading this currently, and it is probably my favorite book i've read this year. I'm only partway through and it's one of the those books that makes you want to keep reading even though the chapters after the first chapter are kind of slow. I really like the story line and how she's watching everybody, i also like how i feel like it's easy to relate with the characters. 

What are your favorite books that you have had to read for school?