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Monday, November 29, 2010

5 Favorite Sports I played

Hi everybody, sorry i haven't been on in a while. I was out of town for thanksgiving. I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving and ate a lot of yummy food. My blog post today is going to be about my five favorite sports. I used to play a lot of sports when i was younger. I played soccer, ice skated, volley ball, did running, swimming, gymnastics, dance, tae kwon doe and horseback riding. Now the only thing I do is dance but i wish I still did a lot of those sports. Here are my five favorite sports:

1. Soccer - I played soccer for about eight years which is the longest I have ever done a specific sport. I played both defense and forward. I  like it because it involves more legs and running than upper arm strength. I kind of hope to join a soccer team in college for fun!

2. Gymnastics - I love gymnastics,  I liked the balance beam and floor stuff. The only problem I had with gymnastics was the bars because I hated going upside down, which meant I didn't like flipping over the bar. I went to circus camp one summer, and i didn't really do a lot of things because they involved flipping upside down, so I learned how to spin plates, and balance on a ball and things like that.

3.Volleyball - I played volleyball for about two years. It was a lot of fun, but involved a lot of arm strength which I don't really have and, you get a lot of bruises from the ball hitting your arms. Also the games are really long.

4. Horseback riding - whenever I went on vacation I always liked going horseback riding, I even used to be able to name all the horses I had ridden on. Then I actually started horseback riding lessons and even though it was kind of scary, it was a lot of fun!

5. Dance - I'm not the worlds greatest dancer but I have a lot of fun doing it, I took lessons when I was littler, and i started taking lessons again a few years ago. I really like jazz because you get to be a lot more relaxed, unlike ballet were you have to be very straight and have very direct movements. I am also hoping to take dance classes in college!

What are your favorite sports you play?

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