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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Top 5 questions Lost Never Answered.

I am/was a huge Lost fan, but i was really disappointed by the series finales last spring. Last night after I had finished my homework, and was to tired to do anything else, I started watching videos on http://www.collegehumor.com/ when i came across this one http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1936291. As I was watching them I was thinking to myself this is incredibly true, and was inspired to write this blog post. So here are my Top 5 questions that lost never answered:

1.Why were people having fertility issues on the island? - this is probably one of the biggest questions on the show that was never answered. I mean Juliet was even brought to the island to help with this! And did the show ever explain how Claire was able to have Aaron on the island, without either of them dyeing? I think maybe they did and it was because she got pregnant off the island....

2.Why was Walt so special? - In season one he seemed to have some type of magical power, because there was the one time he was reading the comic book with the Polar Bear in it and all of sudden Polars bears started appearing on the island. I don't think the others wanted him just because he was a kid. Then in season 2 when he gets abducted by the others ( i don't think they wanted him just because he was a kid!) he could some how communicate with Michael through the computer, and Shannon ( and maybe some other characters I dk) kept on having those creepy visions of him. The eventually he gets off the island, and we see him a couple episodes in seasons 3,4,5,6 and he's aged like 4 years and doesn't really say anything that special. 

3.What was up with the Numbers - The numbers played such a important part of the show, they were the reason Hurley was even on the plane, They had to type them into the computer in the hatch. They were everywhere in this show (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Numbers). One website I read said that the only answer viewers got was how the numbers corresponded with the numbers that the final six candidates had by their names on the cave wall) . But i say that is not a good answer.

4. Why can Jacob leave the island but the Smoke Monster can't? - this is actually a pretty good question. Is it because Jacob is supposedly "Good" and the Smoke Monster is like "Evil."? Really the only answer I can think about it is that he was looking for Candidates even way in the past, because he first came into some of the characters decades before they were even on the flight. It still doesn't make sense. 

5. What was with Kate and the Horse? - we know why the horse is significant to Kate, it helped her escape from the marshal, so obviously it is important to her but, i still have questions about it like "why did it keep on showing up?" was it the smoke monster? 

Lost fans - what questions did Lost not answer for you? post them in the comments below!

kate and the horse

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