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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Favorite Disney Princesses

Hi everyone, winter breaks been super busy and i haven't been home that much so thats why i haven't been blogging. Today i went to go see Tangled with some of my friends and loved it, which is why my blog post is my favorite disney princesses:

1.Belle - I like belle the best probably because she's the one i look the most like. I also like that we both like to read which is one of my favorite hobbies. Also i liked her because she was nice, kind and caring but also fought for what she believed in.

2. Jasmine - Jasmines one of my favorite princesses because unlike most princesses she was more stronger and also kind of did what she wanted, and she had cool outfits.

3.Ariel - First of all she's a mermaid and being a mermaid would be really fun! Also she's friends with flounder which is one of the cutest cartoon fish ever! But i know i would totally be afraid of ursula because i was afraid of her when i was little.

4.Rapunzel - She has awesome glowing hair ( when she sings to it), a cool pet chameleon, and is over all a pretty cool person.

5.Mulan - I used to have a mulan barbie doll. She has a cool story. I like that she can do all the fighting stuff, and she has some pretty cool sidekicks ( Mushu, and the cricket)

I also really like Tiana

Who are your favorite disney princesses?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Favorite Classic christmas songs

Hi everyone happy almost christmas to everyone who celebrates christmas!!! I hope those everyone is having good winter breaks! Here is my list of my favorite christmas songs i'll put youtube links too!!!:

1. Jingle Bells - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLBNXdGrD5M
2.Away In A Manger - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnVorT14i4I
3.Sleigh Ride - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9ZMU7Ka7_I
4.Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-3INb4E26k
5.Silent Night - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-2Tnp9whDU

what are some of your favorite christmas songs? Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

5 Favorite Itouch apps

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been on in a while, I've been studying for finals, but finals are over and it's time for winter break!!! Today I'm going to write about my five favorite apps I have on my iTouch which is mostly games, so here is my list!:

1.Blowfish - I think my aunt introduced my sister to this game who then downloaded it to MY itouch. But i'm glad she did because it's so addicting. It's kind of hard but really fun and it's a good way to waste time if you have a lot of free time to waste!

2.Urbanspoon- This is a useful app if your on vacation and you want to find some place to eat nearby. It lets you choose what type of cuisine you want, what neighborhood you want to eat in, and what price range you want and then it shows some suggestions, and you can see their menus, and reviews.

3.ReMovem and Flood it!- So these games are basically the same idea, you want to clear the board. ReMovem is kind of like all those games were you click the group of things that are the same color and then they disappear. Flood it is you try to match colors and then you try to clear the board. They are both incredibly fun!

4.Solitare - This may seem weird but solitaire kind of helps me relax a little bit, when i am to upset or worked up about something, I play solitaire to help me keep my mind off of the things that are making me mad. So obviously i like playing solitaire on my itouch. I also like playing it in my free time.

5.Words with friends - One of my other favorite games is words with friends. It's basically like Scrabble but on your iTouch and your friend doesn't have to be in the same room with you. The only person I actually play with is my mom who is a lot better than me, but I still enjoy playing it!

What are your favorite apps?

Friday, December 17, 2010

5 Things I want for christmas

So today was my first day of finals, and i have three more half days ( full of finals ) and then it's winter break!!! And two days after that is christmas!!! And then I'm going on a trip with my family and my friend who is like my sister!!! I am so ready for winter break! Here's what i want most for christmas:

1. An ipod - My old one broke and it was special edition, so theres really no replacement for it. I have an iTouch but it doesn't have enough room for all my songs, and videos.

2.Giftcards - The best thing about gift cards is that you basically get to choose what you get. I want gift cards to itunes, target, and anthropology but anywhere else is good too!!!

3.Muji colored pencils - I like to draw and i think this would be a pretty awesome gift even though they're kind of expensive I would really like them!

4.Wii games- I'm not picky i like thinking games though more than action games

5.Sparkly toms - I know i'm going to wear them if i get them, just not sure what with! Maybe my prom dress?

What are you guys wanting for the holidays?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Favorite TV Theme songs

Ok so this ones an interesting one, I actually had a trivia night were we had a tv theme song category which was a lot of fun! Even though they get on your nerves a lot of the time tv theme songs either make you want to sing a long or they often bring back good memories! Here are my top 5 ( Possibly with a few bonus):

1.Tie- The Office and 30 rock - even though they don't have any words to sing a long with i still sing with them, they're that catchy
The office:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9GilKnpiv0
30 rock:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNKA7OkpKtY
2. Psych -I like this song, and I think it is interesting that with certain episodes they change the song to go with the theme of the episode (Ex: the bollywood episode version, and the acapella version, and theres more!)
Bollywood episode:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbodxiyYAHw&feature=related
3.The OC - Ok it's not a catchy happy song but for some reason I really like it!
4. Arthur - this one brings back memories from my childhood, and i have a lot of inside jokes tied to it!
5. Monk - I don't know why it's one of my favorite but it is.

What are your favorite theme songs?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Favorite Fonts

Hey everybody!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I had a pretty busy weekend, and then I was sick monday and tuesday, and half of the time my house hasn't had internet!!! Today I'm going to do my five favorite fonts, I guess from when I use Microsoft word. I love typing in the different fonts and stuff different from the fonts we have to use for school. Unfortunately I can only type in a limited number of fonts for the blog so i'm just going to have to post pictures. Here are my favorites:

1.Century Gothic - I like the plainness of it. I also just like how the letters look, I think it's a really fun font to use and I don't normally get in trouble if I use it for school!

2. Chalkduster - I'm not really sure were this one came from because I don't remember it being on the old Microsoft words. But it's cool looking and it's fun to type in!

3.Handwriting Dakota - I like this one because i think it's fun when the stuff from your computer looks like you could of possibly written it. Especially since my handwriting isn't that neat.

4.Marker Felt - I feel like I like marker felt because it creates those neat, clean looking letters.

5. Papyrus - I think papyrus is a fun word and a cool looking font, and I think I heard that it was the font they used for the subtitles in Avatar which is really cool.

What are your favorite fonts?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cutest Dogs

Hi everyone, yesterday was kind of chaotic so I didn't have time to post, and today i'm doing a short post on the ten cutest dogs:

1.Pembroke Welsh Corgi -

2. American Eskimo ( aka Kevin from the proposal)

3.Border Terrier


5. Border Collie

6. Norfolk Terrier ( and any type of terrier)


8.Golden Retriever



What do you think are the cutest types of dogs?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Worst Fashion Trends of the 2000's

Since were almost done with a decade I have actually been looking back and have i've thought about how ridiculous some of the fashion trends over the past ten years have been. I guess i should say that i'm probably not the most fashionable person ( i used to like crocs) but everyone had their own sense of style i guess. So here are some of the fashion trends that now looking back I think to myself how could this ever be cool:

1. Ponchos- Ok i'll admit when i was a litlle kid i actually owned a couple of ponchos,and wore them quite a bit but know i'm not sure how they were popular!

2.Leggings as Pants- I hate leggings as pants and they were the huge thing at my school a couple of years ago, I actually think it's fine if your wearing a long top or something. But the majority of people i saw following this trend would wear short tops, and i always thought it was weird, and stupid.

3.American Apparel - Ok to tell the truth this isn't a trend but i do have a rant about it. I have only been in an American Apparel once and i didn't get the point. All it is, is a lot of really basic clothing in a variety of colors. Why would i pay $25 dollars for a tank top that I could pay $12 for gap or old navy.

4.Pants with words on the butt- This was originally going to be juicy tracksuits, but then i realized that other things had words on the butt, and i used to owe some pairs of pants with words on them, but i wore them around the house, Not out in public, and they said things like Soccer or Circus, not Sexy or Hottie, if you want to draw attention to yourself do it in some other way.

5.Uggs with Shorts - Like i said in the beginning I love uggs even though they are pretty ugly, they keep my feet warm, But only in winter! And with pants. I'm not sure why uggs with shorts look bad to me probably because their mixing the seasons but they don't look good.

6. Dogs in Purses- Ok I know this is another not technically a fashion trend. Even though the only people I have seen do it is celebrities and some girls I saw one time in New York City. You have to feel really bad for the dogs.

7.Gauchos - This is another thing i owned and I thought were incredibly comfortable, and actually I am not against the like stretchy cloth ones but the ones that were made out of denim or other stiff cloth i don't get, because i feel like gauchos are to allow you to move more freely.

8. Crop tops/Tube Tops- I've actually started noticing this because my sister has been watching reruns of Sabrina the Teenage Witch and the majority of the characters are wearing either tube tops, or Crop tops, also they seem to appear in Lizzie McGuire, and all the Mary Kate and Ashley Movies. I especially don't like the brightly patterned/ Colored ones.

9. Shutter Shades- The main reason i don't get ray bans is how are they "sunglasses" when there are breaks in them with, and they aren't made out of see through material And now i don't get them because their part of the Hipster look which i don't get either.

10.Skirts and Jeans- Ok the only person who can rock this look is Juno, because she has the right idea. If your going to wear skirts with jeans then it has to be like a mini-skirt, not something knee length, and it has to be the right style of skirt which means not frilly princess style.

What trends from this decade are you surprised were ever popular? comment below

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Top 5 Guest Stars

So i've actually wanted to do this one for a while but was to lazy to make up a list, so here are my favorite guest stars from my favorite Tv shows. Originally I was going to classify Guest Star as someone who only appears in one or two episodes but I broke that rule:

1.Neil Patrick Harris - Brian Ryan- Glee - I loved Bryan Ryan because he was actually one of the most interesting guest stars that had come on Glee at all ( I found Kristen Chenowith's character boring). I liked the fact that he already kind of had this feud with Will going on already so there wasn't an hour of just character development. I really want him to come back especially since he said that Terry was the one who got away I want him to come back and them to get together, but I've had they've been having a hard time because of How I Met Your Mother. 

2. Gwyneth Paltrow - Holly Holiday- Glee - I was kind of hesitant when I heard Gwyneth was coming on Glee, but she was awesome. I wish that my substitute teacher's were like this( ok maybe not the musical numbers in the middle of class). Some people say she was on just to promote her new movie, even if she was she still rocked. I wish she comes back for more episodes too.

3. Nester Carbonell - Declan Rand- Psych - When me and my family were watching the first episode he appeared in on Psych me and my dad kept on calling him Richard. I really liked his character on psych basically because he was Shawn 2.0 so it gave Shawn someone reasonable to be competitive with, especially when he started dating Juliet. 

4.Amy Ryan - Holly Flax- The office - I can't wait until Holly comes back to the office! Her and Michael were perfect together because they had good senses of humor. And she was definitely not a female Toby!

5. Hilary Duff - Meghan- Community - I love Hilary duff already and even though her performance on Community wasn't the greatest I think it fit with the episode. The episode was kind of a parody of Mean girls and she was kind of the Regina George until her and Abed had a switch of power. I don't see a reason to bring back her character, but i kind of liked her. 

Bonus:6. Dianna Argon -Lexi - Drake and Josh- So one day when i was supposed to be studying for finals I was watching drake and josh, and Drake's on a date with this one girl and I was like "oh my god it's quinn" and i had to go on Imdb make sure and i was right. Dianna played the girl in the episode with the Magician who can fit her fist in her mouth, and then later the magician makes her disappear and she ends up in the popcorn Machine!

Another Bonus: 7. Landon Liboiron- Sam Bradshaw - Life Unexpected - So i thought it was interesting how they led up to this character being introduced on the show, with Baze thinking emma's "cheating" on him and then she's like baze he's my son. Then all of a sudden he goes to school with Lux and he eventually figures out that her and Eric are dating. But he keeps it to himself. I really like this character and I think he makes for an interesting villain! I can't wait to see what he's going to do next! But i'm wondering if there's some foreshadowing in the fact that every episode He and Luxe are fake dating?

Who are your favorite Guest Stars?

Monday, December 6, 2010

5 Shows from my childhood

Hi everybody I'm back!!! I hope everyone had a good weekend! So recently i've been having a lot of conversations about what I used to watch when i was little, which inspired me to do this blog, I'm going to focus on stuff i watched from probably ages 3 - 7ish even though some of these shows bring me happiness nowadays.

1. Blues Clues - I loved blues clues, the songs were catchy and the episodes had fun story lines! But i definitely like when the show was hosted by Steve and not Joe. Also i always thought that Blue was a boy, but apparently blue was a girl? My favorite song was definitely the solar system song.

2. Arthur- I still watch arthur, it's one of the best shows ever! I think i've seen every episode too! My favorite character was definitely arthur, and buster. I still remember the Aardvark song "A-A-R-D-V-A-R-K". I just recently researched what animals everyone was and some of them were obvious, but I had no idea that apparently francine was supposed to be a monkey or that the brain was a bear? I also loved Kate!

3.Stanley - Stanley was so much fun to watch, and i loved that it focused on animals. for those of you who don't know anything about stanley it was about this little boy named stanley and his fish and they solved problems every episode and the problems solving always involved animals. I actually got my glasses around the time i was watching Stanley and one time i was reading the credits and was like " Mom i had no idea stanley was voiced by a girl." It was a great show and i'm kind of sad it's not on anymore.

4.Out of the Box- This show had an incredibly catchy theme song. I now kind of relate the show to Barney but with out a creepy dinosaur. I really liked this show!

5.Little Bear - I loved little bear. My mom has this video of me and one of my friends when we were about three or four acting out a puppet show with little bear and emily. I used to even have little bear toothpaste! I still even remember the episode with the mermaid!

What were some of your favorite shows to watch when you were growing up?