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Friday, December 17, 2010

5 Things I want for christmas

So today was my first day of finals, and i have three more half days ( full of finals ) and then it's winter break!!! And two days after that is christmas!!! And then I'm going on a trip with my family and my friend who is like my sister!!! I am so ready for winter break! Here's what i want most for christmas:

1. An ipod - My old one broke and it was special edition, so theres really no replacement for it. I have an iTouch but it doesn't have enough room for all my songs, and videos.

2.Giftcards - The best thing about gift cards is that you basically get to choose what you get. I want gift cards to itunes, target, and anthropology but anywhere else is good too!!!

3.Muji colored pencils - I like to draw and i think this would be a pretty awesome gift even though they're kind of expensive I would really like them!

4.Wii games- I'm not picky i like thinking games though more than action games

5.Sparkly toms - I know i'm going to wear them if i get them, just not sure what with! Maybe my prom dress?

What are you guys wanting for the holidays?

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