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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Favorite TV Theme songs

Ok so this ones an interesting one, I actually had a trivia night were we had a tv theme song category which was a lot of fun! Even though they get on your nerves a lot of the time tv theme songs either make you want to sing a long or they often bring back good memories! Here are my top 5 ( Possibly with a few bonus):

1.Tie- The Office and 30 rock - even though they don't have any words to sing a long with i still sing with them, they're that catchy
The office:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9GilKnpiv0
30 rock:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNKA7OkpKtY
2. Psych -I like this song, and I think it is interesting that with certain episodes they change the song to go with the theme of the episode (Ex: the bollywood episode version, and the acapella version, and theres more!)
Bollywood episode:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbodxiyYAHw&feature=related
3.The OC - Ok it's not a catchy happy song but for some reason I really like it!
4. Arthur - this one brings back memories from my childhood, and i have a lot of inside jokes tied to it!
5. Monk - I don't know why it's one of my favorite but it is.

What are your favorite theme songs?